The font used for the elements is called: Hancock. The text color is: #FFF2AA.

The Term of Use always remain the same.

Do Not mix the pieces of this set with those of any other set.

Do Not alter the graphics in any way. If you need some adjustment, please email me.

Provide a "link back" with the logo provided with each set.

My sets are for use on Personal websites and not intended for Commercial site/use.

My sets may not be used on "Adult Content" sites.

This is a "framed" set requiring about 3 tables. You're welcome to "view source" and copy the code if you'd like. Just remember to change the "image source" to your own files.

You'll find a Zip File at the bottom of the page for your downloading convenience.

Thank you very much for visiting my site... and I hope you find something here for your enjoyment!!





Click Here to download Zip File